Q:How is TryToo.com different? A:This site is designed for our members and not for profit by people who know first hand how frustrating it can be to look for someone on dating websites with all the unwanted offers and non-existing members. Other sites let anybody browse their site and keep their profile posted for an unlimited amount of time. That's why we remove expired members off the database. If you do not renew your membership, it will expire and be removed from our site. Options to use two sites for one price./TryToo.com and Try2.com/ Reasonable price and payment options. Friendly use. Q:Why should I register? A:1: You have a great chance to find someone special. All the users are active members, even the members using the free trial membership. 2: A great way of finding people by your specific criteria. 3: You have the option to use your e-mail address and password to access our bonus site, Try2.com to explore the wilder side of dating such as Adult Adventures, Encounters, etc./paying members only/ 4: You can have two independent profiles/paying members only/ 5. Use chat on both sites /paying members only/ 6: No advertisements, or annoying advertisements pop ups 7: Pleasant design 8: Try something different 9: Easy orientation, reasonable cost of membership, help if needed Q:- What kind of membership do you offer? " A:a) Free membership: one month only post full profile unlimited search obtain unlimited interests can't send interest obtain unlimited emails can send an e-mail once a week to somebody who you are interested in can reply to received email no access to chat can see pictures only in thumbnail size no advertisements no advertisements pop-ups can change to full membership during this month anytime It's just a click away and because you have already provided all the information when you signed up for the free membership, the only information we will ask for is for you to choose your payment option. The price is very reasonable and you will have access to two different sites and have two independent profiles. You can look for serious relationships, have fun until the right one comes along, explore other possibilities or meet people with similar desires. b) Paid membership: 2 sites for one price post 2 profiles /one on tryToo.com and one on Try2.com/ if you choose to privacy - not to be identified with second profile unless you disclose this info unlimited search unlimited send emails unlimited received emails unlimited responses send unlimited interests obtain unlimited interests unlimited browsing chat member to member open pictures to full size no advertisements no advertisements pop-ups Q:- What about my privacy? A:- Everything is strictly confidential, except the information which you disclose in your profile. It is up to you with the information you choose to share or not. - You are not required to display information such as your exact address, telephone number, etc. Do not display the email address you used for registration and your date of birth since these are used to obtain your password and for communication with us. You can display any other email address if you choose to. - You are responsible for how much information you display in your profile. Q:- Why do you require my email address? A:1: We collect your original email address so we can send you email or interests without exposing your privacy . 2: We use it to send you your password after registration and if you forget your password./forgot password?/ 3: For sending you notification that your membership will expire. 4: For sending you notification in the case that you abused the Terms of Membership and Privacy Policy" 5: For any other communication between you and our site/s/ as needed. Q:- Is the number showing how many members you have real? A:Yes this number is real. Everybody who uses our site is an active member, however members with the free membership do not have the same privileges as the paying members. The paying member has to pay for a certain time period and during this period is fully active. Before their membership expires, they will get notice that the membership is expiring and if they don't prepay their membership will end. When the membership expires, their profile will be removed from our site. This way our users will never try to contact somebody who is not a member. Free membership is valid only for 1 month, after that the membership will expire and will be taken from our database /see free membership/. This way we will eliminate non-active members and only active members will be displayed as the number of users that you can interact with. Q:- Now I'm paying member. Am I entitled to use both sites? (TryToo.com and Try2.com) A:Yes. Your membership is good for the dating site TryToo.com as well as our bonus site Try2.com which is designed for our members who want to try something new. Please make sure that you read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Membership for Try2.com!! Q:- How can I extend my membership? A:On the Home page select "Extend Membership" and it will open a page with the options for extending your membership. Q:- When or how does my membership end? A:1. Your membership ends automatically after the prepaid time is up. You will be notified by email that your membership is up for renewal and when it expires or you can see your expiry day on the home page when ever you log in. 2.In the case that you abuse the Terms of Membership, one warning will be sent to you. However if you break the terms repeatedly, your membership will be terminated without refund. 3. Your membership can be cancelled on request. Just send an email to us from the page contact us with your registration e-mail, user name, password as well as a written request with the following information: "Please terminate my membership immediately with your site TryToo.com (and Try2.com) on (date when requested)." Q:- If I was a member before, but didn't extend my membership, how can I become a member again? A:You have to register again as a new member and fill out all the forms again. Q:- I wrote my user name and password, but I am unable to log in. What should I do? A:1.Your user name and password combination is wrong. Check for errors and re-enter it carefully. Username and password are case sensitive. Check the num lock and caps lock keys on your keyboard. 2.User name or password doesn't exist. Check if it was spelled right when entered. If it was spelled right and was not found maybe the profile was deleted because it expired. /see our terms of membership/ 3.If everything is right and you still have a problem please contact us. Q:- How does communication works between members?" A:Communication between members is conducted through our anonymous email service which doesn't allow users to view your private email address and by one on one chat. The chat is absolutely private and it solely depends on the user what information he/she shares with other members through chat. TryToo.com/Try2.com doesn't take any responsibilities for the information members disclose to other users. The same rules apply to email. That's why it is good not to give out any private information. For example credit card info, your registration email address, exact address, phone number etc. Q:- What is the difference between a username and a nickname? A:Username is your registration e-mail, which is used for registration, login, and communication with our site TryToo.com . It is confidential; please do not release this information to anybody. Your Nickname is a name which you choose to be recognized under and it will show in your profile to other users. Q:- How do I use chat? A:After you find the profile of a person you would like to chat with, you can use the button "Invite to chat". This button is active only if the user has a green light. The green light is located under the thumbnail picture on the right side of the user's full profile. You can see if the user is online in his/her full profile, in your favorites, or you can choose it as criteria for a search to find only people online. After you invite another user to chat the other person will receive your request window for chat, where he/she has options to "View profile, Accept chat, Ignore chat or Block". View profile is used for seeing the full profile of person requesting chat. Accept Chat opens chat window and makes a connection between users. Chat windows will open for both users automatically. Ignore Chat denies access from that user for that request, but doesn’t put that user on your block list. Block puts that user on your block list. Be careful what information you share through chat. Never give out information about your credit card, SSN, SIN, exact address etc. Do not display the email address you used for registration and your date of birth since these are used to obtain your password and for communication with us. You can display any other email address if you choose. Q:- What do I do if I don't want to be bothered by a request for chat? A:Click on Chat button and choose "No" under "I want to receive request for chat". Click on the Update button and you will be unavailable for chat requests. Next time you login to the site be sure to un-check this option if you want to receive chat requests or you will stay unavailable. Q:- How do I change my status for receiving chat requests? A:Click on Chat and choose "Yes" under "I want to receive request for chat". Click on the Update button. Next time you login to the site be sure to un-check this option if you do not want to receive chat requests. Q:- How can I attach my picture to my profile? A:You can do the following: 1.Electronically - if you have your picture in a digital format on your computer (digital image from a digital camera or a scanned image) and know in which directory it is located (ex. My document, My pictures etc.), go to your profile, click on "Edit picture", this will open a new page where you have the links "Upload picture" and "Delete picture". Click on "Upload picture", this will open a browser where you will find the directory where your picture is saved. Click on the picture and Open. Your picture is now ready to be attached to your profile. Click on the Upload Button and your picture will be attached to your profile. Supported forms are: JPEG and GIF. 2. By mail - If you do not have a digital image, simply send your picture to us and we will scan it to digital form and attach it to your profile for no charge. Make sure that on the back of your picture you include your "email address" used for registration and your "username". Q:- How can I remove my picture from my profile? A:Open page "My profile", click on "Edit Picture". That will open the page with your pictures. Click on "Delete" under the picture you want to remove. The picture will be removed from your profile. Q:- Can I block user(s) which I do not want to communicate with through either email or chat? A:Yes you can. After you receive an email or a request for chat from the user(s), you do not want to communicate with, you can place them on your "Block List" and you will not receive anything from them unless you remove them from your block list. To block user use just click on Block button Q:- Can I remove somebody from my block list? A:Yes, just click on "Block List" and check the user which you want to remove from your block list and then click on Remove. Q:- What's the button "Like you" for? A:This button is for showing interest.