Terms of Membership for TryToo.com

These rules were designed to make the use of our site an easy, accessible, and pleasant experience.

Section 1 Who is a member?
Section 2 Member's rights
Section 3 What rules apply to all members?
Section 4 How we deal with members who abuse the rules (first time)
Section 5 How we deal with members who repeatedly abuse the rules (two or more times)
Section 6 What members should do if they find or experience an offensive profile, email or chat (bad language, sexually explicit, racist, gender offensive etc.).
Section 7 How is a membership terminated?
Section 8 Membership fee
Section 9 Payments options
Section 10 Using one membership for two websites (TryToo.com and Try2.com)
Section 11 How to Contact us

1. Who is a member?

A member is anybody who has filled out our registration form and obtained a password from us to access our site.

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2. Member's rights

(TryToo.com recognized two types of memberships, with different options.)

a) Free membership:

It's just a click away and because you have already provided all the information when you signed up for the free membership, the only information we will ask for is for you to choose a payment option. The price is very reasonable and you will have access to two different sites and have two independent profiles. You can look for serious relationships, have fun until the right one comes along, explore other possibilities, or meet people with similar desires.

b)Paid membership:

One week before your membership expires you will receive an email to remind you that is time for renewal, if you choose to. If your profile is not renewed, it will be removed from our site.

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3. What rules apply to all members?

All members of TryToo.com have to obey these rules:
  1. Do not use any discriminatory and/or offensive language regarding, but not limited to, race, ethnic background, creed, sexual preference, gender, age, economic status, or differences in opinion.
  2. Offensive and dirty language is prohibited in members' profiles.
  3. Nude, or sexually explicit pictures are prohibited.
  4. Offensive and dirty language is prohibited in emails or chats and if reported, it can terminate one's membership without their membership fee being reimbursed.
  5. No pictures of anyone under the age of eighteen.
  6. Using pictures of people other than you to portray yourself, falsely representing yourself in other ways as well as creating profiles for other people without their consent is prohibited.

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4. How we deal with members who abuse the rules (first time)

If any rules as stated in part 3 are abused once, the offender will receive an email from the provider to his/her registration email and to his/her user email. In this email they will be informed about the offense and will get a request to correct the problem right away as well as a request to obey these rules in the future.

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5. How we deal with members who repeatedly abuse the rules

If the same member breaks the rules as defined in part 3 repeatedly, he/she will receive an email from the provider about the termination of his/her membership without any reimbursement along with the reason for the termination of the membership. Please respect these rules to avoid the termination of your membership or any misunderstandings.

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6. What members should do if they find or experience an offensive profile, email, or chat (bad language, sexually explicit, racist, gender offensive etc)

In case you find an offensive profile, receive an offensive email, or experience any form of abuse on chat we have a RED BUTTON "Report Abuse". After you click on the link we will receive your report, together with the profile, email or chat in question and the information of who sent the report to us. Every report will be checked and if deemed offensive it will be resolved with offender. Do not use this button unless you are reasonably sure that the incident is offensive and goes against our terms of membership.

In case of repeated misuse (3 or more) of the "Report Abuse" button, the membership of the person who abuses its purpose would be terminated without any reimbursement. The offender would be notified about this decision by e-mail.

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7. How is a membership terminated?

  1. Expiry of membership
  2. The time for which your membership is valid is shown each time you log in to TryToo.com. One week before your membership expires you will receive a message on your user-email as well as your registration email to remind you to renew your membership. If you choose not to renew your membership it will automatically expire and all your information will be removed from our site. If you decide later to join again you will have to start as a new member and fill out all the forms again to create your profile.

  3. Termination of membership by member's request
  4. Send a request to terminate membership to: cancel_membership@trytoo.com or send a request to our address:

    TryToo.com TryToo.com
    P.O. BOX 856 P.O.Box 21006
    Potsdam, NY, 1367684 Lynden Rd.
    USA Brantford, ON, N3R 7W9

    The request has to have your registration e-mail, user name, password as well as a written request with the following information:

    "Please terminate my membership immediately with your site TryToo.com (and Try2.com) on (date when requested)."

    If you would like to tell us the reason for why you cancelled your membership, please feel free to do so. We are working to improve your experience. After receiving your request your membership will be cancelled and all your information will be deleted from our database. You do not get your money back for the remaining time.

  5. Repeatedly breaking rules described in part 3 and explained in part 5

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8. Membership fee *

1 month US$ 15.99
3 months US$ 39.99 save up to US$ 7.98
6 months US$ 69.99 save up to US$ 25.95

*Prices are subject to change

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9. Membership payment options

We Accept:
  1. Major Credit cards(billing provided by iBill)

  2. or

  3. B.Sending a money order or personal check to:
TryToo.com TryToo.com
P.O. BOX 856 P.O.Box 21006
Potsdam, NY, 1367684 Lynden Rd.
USA Brantford, ON, N3R 7W9

Please make payable to TryToo.com and on the back side of the check write your correct registration email address. After the check or money order is cleared your membership will be activated immediately and you will receive your password to your registration email address. After that you can login to our sites, TryToo.com and Try2.com. Until your check or money order is cleared, you will have access as a free member.

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10. Using one membership for two websites (TryToo.com and Try2.com)

Paying members of TryToo.com can use our bonus site, Try2.com (Adult Adventure)Try2.com free if they choose too. To login to Try2.com use the same Username, your registration email, and password from TryToo.com. The first time you login you will have to create a new profile just for Try2.com and new nickname. User name and nickname are not the same. Both profiles (TryToo.com and Try2.com) are not connected and can be used only for the site for which they were developed. There is no way to identify the user's other profile unless the user discloses the information.

Try2.com has its own Privacy Policy and Terms of membership. Please familiarize yourself with these to avoid disappointment.

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11. How to Contact us

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Just click on the link Contact us.

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